Termination Pages in Market Research Surveys

In many surveys, particularly Market Research Surveys, it is important to only allow valid respondents to complete a response. Web Survey Creator makes it easy to stop invalid respondents by sending them to a specific terminate page.

Our Surveys understand Market Research

Web Survey Creator makes it easy to "Screen-out" invalid respondents or "Quota-Out" respondents that are of a type you already have enough responses for. The reason for the termination is automatically tracked - making it easy to distinguish "completes", "screen-outs" and "quota-outs".

Respondents can be redirected to a particular URL from a terminate page, making integration with Panel Management Software like Contact Profiler easy.

Humane "Termination" - quick and easy

Terminate pages are often near the beginning of a survey. Respondents are skipped over them if they aren't meant to terminate.

This means that even simple implementations of termination pages can greatly simplify the Flow Control that needs to be created for a survey.