Create Mobile Surveys for iPhone, iPad and Android with ease.

Desktop. Tablet. Phone.

Surveys created using Web Survey Creator are instantly viewable for completion on mobile devices with zero content or layout changes.

Survey for iPhone

iPad Surveys

Android Surveys

Other Mobile Surveys and Tablet Surveys

Mobile Phone Survey Questions

Surveys Everywhere.

In today's mobile world, you need your surveys to be available everywhere. Now you can design your surveys once, and use everywhere - without worrying how people will view them. Ever wanted to do a survey on mobile phones? There has never been a better way to do it.

Every Feature. Every Question.

All you do is create a Web survey for computer users. Web Survey Creator will show a mobile optimised version on mobile devices with every question and feature - no limits, and no compromise. Smartphone surveys have never looked so good!

Mobile doesn't have to mean compromised...

Mobile Themes

The professionally designed themes in Web Survey Creator have mobile versions optimised for Smart Phones or tablets. No longer do you need mobile survey software to create good looking surveys on mobile phones! Survey mobile phones with ease.

Mobile Question Types

What works on a computer screen often will not for efficient data entry on a mobile device. Every type of question uses smart rendering on mobiles to make them easy to read and complete - a survey of mobile phones can now look great and be easy to complete.

Image Management

Images used on the desktop version of your Web Surveys are automatically scaled to ensure they work well on mobile devices. Perfect for your iphone surveys or any mobile device survey.

The Buzz about Web Survey Creator

"A must-have for researchers!"

The ability to ask whatever you want, and not worry about the technicalities, or what device is being used, makes Web Survey Creator a must have tool for researchers who don't want to tie their respondents to their desktops. My problems with mobile survey questionnaire creation are over!
Shirley Marr, Research Project Coordinator

"Like nothing else on the market"

Frankly, hosted Web Survey applications are a "dime a dozen" on the internet. The difference with Web Survey Creator is they go beyond the basics but cost no more than simplistic alternatives. Their mobile survey capabilities are just one example of how they provide real solutions to problems the other guys try and pretend don't exist.
Chris Mawn