Adding YouTube and Vimeo videos to Surveys

Web Survey Creator natively supports the adding of video content to your surveys.

Everyone can add YouTube Videos

YouTube videos can be added, even if you only have a free account for Web Survey Creator

Market Research Surveys with Vimeo

Vimeo videos, which have added security and playback features, can optionally be used in the Market Research versions of Web Survey Creator.
YouTube Survey
Showing video is becoming an increasingly important part of all content on the Web – including in Web Surveys. Major providers of video hosting such as YouTube and Vimeo make it easy to publish videos online for minimal or no cost. Web Survey Creator makes integrating videos from these sites very easy – all you need is to select the code of the video you wish to present to survey respondents, and optionally set how you want the video to show.
A great video solution for Market Researchers...
If you are creating advanced surveys like Market Research Surveys, Web Survey Creator integrates with Vimeo videos to provide added functionality. For example, you can choose to disable the Next button on a page until a respondent has fully watched the video presented. This ensures that everyone who continues in the survey will have seen the full video and not simply skipped over it. You can even limit the number of times a person can view a video.

Step-by-step: Adding a YouTube Video

YouTube videos are often accessed by clicking on a link. For example, our sample video can be accessed from the following link:
YouTube videos can also be accessed by “embedding” them in a Web page. This is neater for your audience, but requires some coding knowledge to achieve. Fortunately, Web Survey Creator doesn’t require any of this complexity. The steps to adding a YouTube video to your WSC survey are as follows:
1. Press the Add Content Here button on the page you wish to add the video.
YouTube Survey
2. You are prompted to select the Content Type to add to the Survey. Choose Survey Content and YouTube Video.
YouTube Survey
3. A full link does not have to be entered for your YouTube video - you simply need to enter the video code, which is the code shown after “v=” in the standard YouTube link. In the link above, the code is B9nqnzm-mGI. Enter this code as the Video ID.
YouTube Survey
All surveys created in Web Survey Creator can be viewed on a desktop computer, a tablet (such as an iPad) or a Smartphone (such as an iPhone). There is therefore an option to show different videos for each device, simply by entering different Video IDs for each of the devices.
4. Default settings are used for the video, however these settings can be changed by checking the Configure YouTube video settings checkbox and choosing the features you wish to include in your video.
YouTube Survey
5. The size of the YouTube video on the survey page can be optionally set if you do not wish to use the default sizing.
YouTube Survey
6. Once all the appropriate changes have been made, press the Save Content and Return to Design button to save the YouTube content.
YouTube Survey
7. The YouTube content will be shown in the Web Survey Creator visual designer. You can even press the standard YouTube play button in the middle of the video to see the content in action.
YouTube Survey

Step-by-step: Adding a Vimeo Video

YouTube is a great solution for hosting videos, so the first question you may ask is “why does there need to be another embedded video option in Web Survey Creator?” For many users, the answer is that there isn’t any need. This is why the YouTube option is provided for all levels of Web Survey Creator account – including Free accounts.
For Market Research Surveys, however, Vimeo provides some higher end features that make it a preferred solution. For example, Vimeo provides more control on what features are turned on or off for a video, and more control over what is seen once the video has finished playing. Market Researchers often want to show private videos (for a new ad campaign, for example) that they do not want to make publicly available. They also want to avoid random “related” videos to show at the end of the video – they may instead want to show a particular message, for example.
For a full understanding of the differences between the video services, see the related sites.
Setting up Vimeo works in a similar manner to setting up a YouTube Video, with a couple of subtle differences:
1. Press the Add Content Here button on the page you wish to add the video.
Vimeo Survey
2. You are prompted to select the Content Type to add to the Survey. Choose Survey Content and Vimeo Video.
Vimeo Survey
3. Vimeo videos have codes, just like YouTube Videos. Enter this code as the Video ID.
Vimeo Survey
All surveys created in Web Survey Creator can be viewed on a desktop computer, a tablet (such as an iPad) or a Smartphone (such as an iPhone). There is therefore an option to show different videos for each device, simply by entering different Video IDs for each of the devices.
4. Default settings are used for the video, however these settings can be changed by checking the Vimeo video settings checkbox and choosing the features you wish to include in your video.
Vimeo Survey
You will notice that there are more advanced settings available for Vimeo than there were for YouTube. In particular, you can indicate that the video must be fully viewed before a respondent is allowed to continue, which is great for ensuring the video is actually watched.
5. The size of the Vimeo video on the survey page can be optionally set if you do not wish to use the default sizing.
Vimeo Survey
6. Once all the appropriate changes have been made, press the Save Content and Return to Design button to save the YouTube content.
Vimeo Survey
7. The Vimeo content will be shown in the Web Survey Creator visual designer. You can even press the standard Vimeo play button in the middle of the video to see the content in action.
Vimeo Survey