WSC 2.1 Release Notes

Release 2.1 of Web Survey Creator represents the first update to our wide-ranging 2.0 release. It features a number of fixes, together with further enhancements. The highlights of this release are discussed below.
Standard Features

Global Question/Page Management

iPad App Advanced Preview

Enhanced Flow Rules

New Browser Next/Previous Protection

Save button on Survey

360 Degree Feedback Advanced Preview

CATI Features

Simplified Test Mode

Call Bias based on Calls made already

Advanced Call Re-Opening Capabilities

Enhanced Call Close Workflow

Enhanced, Filtered Call Breakdown

Advanced Phone Number Copy

Standard Features

Global Question/Page Management

Making quick edits to questions and pages has been greatly enhanced with our new global question and page listing. We now go beyond simply setting mandatory status on questions in the global area. The new global page and question management page allows you to:

- Delete multiple pages
- Make page name changes to multiple pages quickly
- Delete multiple questions
- Make question text changes to multiple questions quickly
- Make question access code changes to multiple questions quickly
- Quickly change the mandatory status of multiple questions.


iPad App Advanced Preview

An advanced preview of our new iPad Street Interviewer app - "Face2Face Touch" - has been provided to select clients ahead of a general release later this year of our "Web Creator Suite", which will offer Survey, Community and Offline Interviewing capabilities through an integrated suite of software (one piece of which is Web Survey Creator).

Enhanced Flow Rules

The capabilities of our flow control system have been substantially enhanced through the addition of a simple "switch" that changes how the rule is used. Instead of the page being hidden when the rule is true, the page can be hidden when the rule is NOT true. This opens up the opportunity to simply list all the rules that if met would mean the page should still be shown - often a simpler proposition than coming up with a rule for when the page should be hidden.
Flow Control

New Browser Next/Previous Protection

Using the browser Next/Previous buttons rather than the next/previous on the survey itself can sometimes lead to unexpected results. We have been working towards better solutions to counter this user behaviour with each new release, and now we even warn and try and stop users before they move to another page in an inappropriate fashion.
If a survey respondent attempts to use their browser history/navigation buttons (back/forward) to navigate through the survey rather than using the correct survey navigation buttons they will now see a warning message when they subsequently try and submit a survey or use the survey navigation to move to the next or previous page. This message will warn them this was not appropriate and take them back to the correct page they were originally on. This behaviour is appropriate as respondents cannot use their browser navigation controls. Any survey response where this has occurred is flagged for reference. One the respondent has been returned to the original location they can continue their survey experience as normal.
Browser Next
You can optionally set a warning that will appear when the respondent tries to us browser navigation to change survey page or leave the survey. By default, the message won't be shown - to show it, you need to go into the settings for the survey. It is an optional message because the showing of a warning may not be appropriate in some situations.
Browser Next 2

The message that will be shown can be anything you choose.
Flow Control

Save Button on the Survey

Responses are saved as you move through the survey, but sometimes you may want to allow people to save where they are up to on the current page. For these situations, we now provide an optional save button on the survey page.
Browser Next 3

360 Degree Feedback Advanced Preview

Our 360 degree feedback module will be available in the next general release of the software, however most of the functionality is feature complete, and access is being given to select clients for initial review and comment.
Browser Next 3

CATI Features

Simplified Test Mode

We have changed testing mode so that it can be started from a big red button on the call screen. This ensures that an interviewer won't mistakenly begin a real call when they mean to start a test (and vice versa).

Flexible Call Bias based on Calls Made

This release introduces the ability to change how respondents are served to interviewers based upon how many times they have already called. At one extreme, you can bias towards "virgin" numbers to ensure everyone in called. At the other extreme, you can bias towards using numbers that have been previously called, ensuring that you have the highest possible response rate.
Call Bias
The bias can be set when a CATI survey is first created, and can also be edited on the CATI distribution. All calls are biased automatically to have a score from 1 to 1000 (the higher the score, the sooner the call will be provided to the interviewer). The additional bias added for number of calls made effectively creates "stratas" of calls that will be called in order (calls are still randomised within the strata that a particular call falls in).

Advanced Call Reopening

Now any previously closed call can be reopened - even previously completed calls. New system statuses - "Prior Complete", "Prior Screen Out" and "Prior Quota Out" - are added where appropriate to calls that are reopened. It is up to the interviewer to change the call and then save it again. A new complete status is created, and the call time is the sum of all the prior completes plus the time spent on the latest complete.
Call Reopening

Enhanced Call Close Workflow

Closing a call can now be performed quickly at any point, with a customised list of call close statuses making the call close process quicker than ever before.
Call Close

Enhanced, Filtered Call Breakdown

The call breakdown now has more details than ever before. You can easily filter based on respondent tags, quotas, timezones and date ranges. An export to Excel makes it easy to get the details out into a printable report.
Call Reopening

Advanced Phone Number Copy

Phone numbers often need to be adjusted to be used for calling a person. For example, a "0" may need to be added to the start of the number to get an outside line. It is now possible to script exactly what to do with a number when copying it for a contact an interviewer needs to call. The script is standard javascript, and therefore supports complex string manipulation capabilities.
Call Reopening

Other Fixes and Enhancements

1. Respondent tags are now loaded prior to Email merging.
2. HTML5 number formatting removed from numerics by popular demand.
3. Fixes to the API for Numerics and GET data.
4. Web Portal was not refreshing automatically after 1 hour. Fixed.
5. Survey filter condition and flow control for respondent tags now have instructions on screen on how to use
6. Recalculating a filter for multi-select "not equal to" didn't work. Fixed.
7. Change to "Recent Unread Logs" - only show logs from the last hour
8. Import/delete respondents only allows one service process at a time now to ensure accidental deletion does not occur
9. Selecting filter items in portal did not work. All filter items were always shown no matter which option chosen. Fixed.
10. Added methods to have quotas and data pumps triggered through API.
11. Multi-level data-piping (piping a pipe code into another pipe) is now supported to 1 level.
12. Survey copy was including reports which could not be refreshed. Fixed.
13. When importing response data choice and row codes parse is now not case sensitive
14. Please specify option in IE 10/11 did not focus properly. Fixed.
15. Switching languages in thank you page is now correctly handled.
16. Rows are now identifiable in Grids (to aid in survey scripting)
17. Collaborated surveys can now be copied
18. Highcharts local server image generation is now possible
19. Datapiping from ConstantSum didn't deal with different formatting for decimals vs integers. Fixed.
20. Datapiping of all numeric types - including decimals and currency - is now consistent.
21. Numeric Grid failed for DataPiping with Email Data Pumps. Fixed.
22. Excel response export displaying numeric question responses with large numbers in scientific notation. Fixed.
23. Images/ 1pix.gif graphic improperly referenced. Fixed.
24. Deleting a Survey or Distro didn't delete the custom link meaning it could not be used again. Fixed.
25. There were problems when importing data for both the name and address demographic questions. Fixed.
26. Data pump now outputs file upload question url.
27. Data Export now includes file upload URL in the Excel spreadsheet.
28. Google translate now available in survey distributions.
29. Response import for Hierarchical List was based on index not weighting. Fixed.
30. Next and Previous Button now hide on submit so you don't click them multiple times on slow systems.
31. Custom validations can now be created on star rating questions
32. Various fixes to the API for numerics
33. Remove HTML5 Number Formatting (De-enhancement)
34. Respondent Tags were not retrieved prior to Email Merging. Fixed.


1. Team leader user type is now hidden
2. Single/plural appointments text is now correctly handled
3. Appointments have been reworked to better handle how appointments are added
4. Test respondents now include draft data
5. Respondent names are reformatted to support larger names
6. Phone number validation is not optional for all except CATI respondents
7. Call Statuses can now be copied
8. Test respondents are now identifiable in the session log with (test) tag
9. Colour and delay are now editable on system statuses
10. Standard Global Statuses can now be set up from the browse through a toolbar button
11. Relevancy is now recalculated immediately when an incomplete transaction (eg. no answer) is saved
12. "Unused" respondents can now be filtered
13. Sort by status was not working on the Closed Respondent browse. Fixed.
14. Unused count was calculated only after a long delay on the browse. Fixed.
15. Date filter on interviewer breakdown kept clearing after being selected (but is filtering correctly)
16. New group added to the appointment list -> My Appointments
17. Country codes like +61 are now cleaned up to show as readable phone numbers
18. Appointments are no longer included in the browse of contacts on the CATI "Contacts" tab
19. Respondent relevancy score calculation optimised to run when resources are available
20. We now show next contact start and end time when view Cati respondent details in design site
21. Call statistics are now available for the whole day, and the current session, for interviewers
22. Can now edit delay and colour in Cati System Statuses
23. Add new 'Copy Status' functionality to Add/Edit CATI Status dialog
24. When import/update CATI respondents phone validation must always be checked

Past Updates

Release 2.0 is our major new release with a massive list of enhancements. Find out more...

Release 1.22 featured new drag and drop respondent importing. Find out more...

Release 1.21 featured new file upload question type. Find out more...

Release 1.20 featured new page navigation, new date question styles and response importing. Find out more...

Release 1.10 featured new question types, an alert system, and integration with Contact Profiler. Find out more...

Release 1.9 featured Page Looping, Enhanced Page Navigation and Filtering and On-premise versions for MR customers. Find out more...

Release 1.8 featured advanced questions such as drag & drop and slider based questions, together with full survey scripting. Find out more...