How can I use Star Rating Question in Page Flow?

I'd like to be able to use a Star Rating question to hide/show questions
Star Rating Questions are essentially a "Numeric" question -- resolving to an integer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or a decimal number (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, ..., 5.0).

Page Flow only allows questions that essentially have "Choices" and "Rows" in the background. That means, and multiple choice questions and any of the grid based questions.

To use a Star Rating question to hide and show questions on the same page you will need to uses Scripting and place some events on the script to react to the clicking of the stars.

Create a script On Page Load and include the following script:
var oHide = wscScripting.getQuestionByDataPipingCode('HIDEME');
var oQuestion = wscScripting.getQuestionByDataPipingCode('STARS');

function StarRating_Stars() {
  var nValue = wscScripting.getValue(oQuestion);
  // Test the value here. Get its value and determine
  // what values will hide the question
  if (nValue != 2) {
    wscScripting.disableQuestion(oHide, false);
  else {
    wscScripting.enableQuestion(oHide, false);

wscScripting.disableQuestion(oHide, false);
wscScripting.setStarRatingonClick(oQuestion, function() { StarRating_Stars() });

args.isValid = true;
You will need to include a similar call for each Star Rating question you wish to have change the hidden state of other questions. You'll also need to manually hide the question if it should not be initially seen -- this is shown in the script above.