Restricting Survey Responses through Respondent Quotas

The Survey Quota system in Web Survey Creator allows you to limit exactly who can answer your surveys. Get a good mix of genders, ages or anything else you need to ensure a balanced response pool.

Quota builder does the work for you

Need to implement a large number of interlocking quotas quickly? No problem - the quota builder allows you to select the questions that will be used in the quota, and generate the quotas with the appropriate numbers.

Need to tweak a couple of the quotas further, or set up a special case? Easy - quotas can be built from scratch or edited using our visual quota designer.

Tweak quotas with class-leading features

With over 10 years' experience in Market Research Surveys, we understand how important it is to manage quotas in a flexible manner.

Can't fill a particular quota and never likely to? Got a quota that you are happy to let more people into? Add a quota overflow limit, or set a quota as a priority to let Web Survey Creator give you a result that is as close as possible to what you need.