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Survey Mid-way Redirect with Conjointly

Integrate with external platforms such as Conjointly using our new Survey Incomplete termination feature
Reference Guide
Integrating with external platforms and panels is a common practice that can be done through the use of URL redirects and survey terminate pages.

For users on versions that support Terminate Pages in WSC, you can now choose the Survey Incomplete - Redirect to another URL termination method.

Some external platforms do not allow respondents to return and edit a response, we strongly recommend to DISABLE the back button navigation in your WSC survey to prevent any issues this may cause.

The following steps can be used to setup a basic WSC - Conjointly integration for an Anonymous Distribution:
  • 1. In your anonymous survey navigate to Distribution --> Methods, then click on the Edit Distribution Settings icon. Scroll down to the " When Respondents return to the Survey what should they be allowed to do?" heading and select the checkbox labelled "Respondents can leave the survey and return later to complete an uncompleted response".
    WCS Integration Edit Distribution
  • 2. Navigate to your Conjointly experiment and copy the unique shareable link.
    Mid-way Redirect Conjointly Shareable Link
  • 3. In the WSC survey designer, navigate to the page you want to use for the termination method. Click on the Edit button to configure the survey page settings. Select the Survey Incomplete - Redirect to another URL termination method and paste your unique Conjointly experiment link into the web page URL field.
    Mid-way Redirect Termination Method
  • 4. When the respondent is redirected away from the WSC survey, a recall code will be needed to track them. This is important as it allows the respondent to return to the survey and continue on from the correct page. Attach the ?rc=[@RECALLCODE@] data piping symbol as a variable to the end of the Conjointly redirect URL. The Conjointly URL will then use the following format:[@RECALLCODE@]
  • 5. Navigate to Distribution --> Methods in your WSC survey and copy the unique survey link.
  • 6. Navigate to your Conjointly experiment and click on the Advanced Settings navigation tab. Paste the unique WSC survey link into the "URL for complete responses" field. The recall code that was attached to the Conjointly URL in step 4 will need to be sent back to WSC to ensure the respondent is returned to the right survey. Add the following &rc=[rc] variable to the end of the WSC survey link EG:
    Mid-way Redirect URL for Complete Responses